Divorce Attorney Flagstaff

Christiansen Law, PLLC | Divorce Attorney Flagstaff


Divorce is a difficult time for you, your children, and former spouse. Emotions are high and drama is even higher. Christopher L. Christiansen has been a focused Divorce Attorney in Flagstaff Arizona, servicing Coconino, Navajo, and Yavapai Counties since graduation from Law School in 2013. Christiansen Law, PLLC strives to not add to a client’s stress, but rather to guide the client through the legal process to the best result available while taking into consideration spousal support, division of assets and debt, and the children’s needs and best interest.

Divorce Related Cases We Handle

In addition to divorce cases, Divorce attorney Christopher L. Christiansen provides strategic legal counsel and representation for other divorce related matters, including:

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Child Custody

A child custody dispute can be the most important legal case a person ever faces. As any parent knows, time with one’s child is invaluable, and it is something that you cannot get back once it passes. Divorce attorney, Christopher L. Christiansen is prepared to help you achieve a child custody agreement that meets your needs and those of your child.

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Child Support

Arizona utilizes predetermined guidelines to define child support amounts for establishment and modifications. Divorce attorney in Flagstaff, Christopher L. Christiansen is experienced in uncovering hidden income and assets when there are issues surrounding rental income, self-employment, commission, bonuses, and other types of income.

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Family Law

In addition to helping parents obtain suitable custody and visitation plans, our family law firm provides legal representation in spousal support cases. If you are involved in a spousal support dispute or need guidance in order to obtain or enforce a child support order. Divorce attorney in Flagstaff, Christopher L. Christiansen will provide strategic legal counsel and strive for the fairest option.

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Property Division

If you are facing the end of your marriage, you need to seek the help of Flagstaff property division lawyers as soon as possible for many reasons. If you face this situation, you need to take immediate steps to organize your information so that you can retain all of the value you deserve under Arizona law. Contact a Flagstaff divorce attorney at the Christiansen Law, PLLC today to schedule an initial consultation.

Get Help Today – Flagstaff’s Top Family and Estate Lawyer


The divorce process can be stressful, expensive, and time-consuming. You need a helping hand to ensure the process does not overwhelm you or put your life on hold. At Christiansen Law, we are committed to making your experience less stressful. Contact our experienced and skilled Arizona divorce lawyer to learn more about our services.